
Create Supermarket Loyalty Card Barcode Labels (Dymo)

Tired of loyalty cards taking up space in your wallet/purse, with the help of a Dymo USB label printer you can create a label of the barcode to stick directly to your credit and debit cards, that way you always have them with you, and save space. Requirements: Dymo Label Printer (I

Cannot install .net2.0 / .net3.5 feature on Windows 10

I needed to install .net 2.0 to install the Windows 7 USD DVD Download Tool. In windows Programs and features, I select ‘.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)’ and it tried to install, ending in access denied. I found this page from Microsoft to fix it, for most home users method

UPDATE: Download links are now in the posts

The thawte cert was issued in 2 days so the links are now on the posts, see them all on the download page. Sorry for the delay Four of my posts do not have download links to the software they contain. I am waiting for my Code Signing certificate to be renewed
Router, Script

Running RSync on ASUS Router

My 1TB music collection was hosted on my main computer which also acts as a NAS, that is ok, but it’s power consumption is around 100 Watts.  My ASUS router runs at about 14 Watts and has to be on 24/7, so I bought a 2TB USB drive to store, share and

Retry RSync on Connection Errors

This script allows RSync job to retry if it fails, the delay between each try doubles on each retry to a max of 10 trys (about 17 hours). Copy the text into a .bat file, ie RSync to External Server.bat, and rsync command line with your own.