This is a basic TP-Link Smartplug/Smartbulb control for Windows, it is based on reverse engineering of the TP-Link protocol, which is still a work in progress and new versions are published on the Windows Store.

This is control only and is not trying to replace the official TP-Link phone app functionality.


On the settings tab add your TP-Link cloud username and password.

NOTE: Only devices registered in the Android/iOS as remote and connected will appear.

Select a device and click On or Off button, double-click the device to toggle, you can rename the devices.

Select a bulb and adjust the brightness value, click the set button, this will turn on the bulb with the selected brightness.

NOTE: I have hardcoded that a device named ‘SERVER’ cannot be turned off without prompting, and the toggle is disabled.

Kasa Smart Control shows Plugs and Bulbs, and a lightstrip is selected so brightness, Hue, Saturation, Colour Temp and Lighting effects settings are shown. Hovering over a plug with emeter settings.
This is the quick toggle menu (press SHIFT + Right click taskbar icon to show it)

Supported Devices and Actions

Please let me know if the comments if there are missing working devices in this list, I cannot test all Kasa devices only the ones I own.


  • Relay On/Off/Toggle


  • Relay On/Off/Toggle

KP303 (3-Way Powerstrip)

  • Each socket Relay On/Off/Toggle


  • Relay On/Off/Toggle


  • Relay On/Off/Toggle
  • Brightness


The TP-Link App can be downloaded from the Windows Store

Do not ask support questions in the comments, post a ticket here