My apps all require Windows 10/11 .net 4.7.2 and are available from the Windows Store.
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Syncs folder of FLAC files into a matching folder but compressed with OPUS (Open source codec with very good quality), folder.jpg files are also reduced in size.
Kasa Smart Control – Smartplug/Smartbulb Control for Windows
Controls TP-Link Smart plugs and bulbs in Windows
Kasa Smart Control Command Line -Smartplug/Smartbulb Control for Windows
This is the command line version (TPcmd).
Forces a computer to sleep (or hibernate) when idle, but checks to see if the mouse/keyboard is in use and that the computer is not streaming.
Make small Album Art images for Squeezebox
Creates small 200×200 from folder.jpg’s for squeezebox server.
Calculates dates and times in relation to Unix time (seconds since 01/01/1970), allows conversion and addition/subtraction.
Calculates dates and time addition and subtraction, and differences between dates.